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December 21, 2011`
Regular Meeting
December 21, 2011
The meeting opened at 7:30 PM.  Present were: Chairman Rick McCowan, Mark Canfield, Tom Daly, Jerry Gannelli, and John Mirick.

Informal Meeting for a Revised Site Plan – Mountainside Market
Jill Zelley, owner of Mountainside Market discussed proposed changes to the Mountainside Market. They are looking to add eight additional inside seats to allow the restaurant to accommodate up to 49 people, add a walk up ice cream window, and close off an existing entrance door to increase kitchen area and hallway storage.  The only exterior change is the ice cream window and the plan is to build a bump out window with awning on the side of the building for walk up ice cream service. After discussion, the board agreed the only impact for a site plan review is the exterior change with the window. The board determined it would be helpful to send a letter notifying abutters of the proposed changes and Site Plan Review meeting.  Brenda will draft and send.
John moved to hold a public meeting, send a notice to abutters, and waive any fees. Jerry seconded. All in favor (5-0). Meeting will be held on January 18, 2012.

Worcester Rd Project Advisory Committee - Meeting Update
Jerry informed the board that the first meeting went well. Sean Coway was elected Chairman.  Vera from CMRPC is working out details for the public forum and workshops. The committee would like to invite/inform people by mail. Tom will verify mailing costs and update at the January 4 meeting.

E. Princeton Village District
Mark will develop a proposed agenda for the public meetings. John will work with Mark on a presentation for the public forum.   The board will decide whether a formal committee should be created based on feedback received at the public forum. Tom suggests extending the business zone to include Mechanics Hall and will discuss further at a future meeting.
A tour of Mechanics Hall will be held on January 7.

Meeting Minutes
December 7 - Regular Meeting – John moved to accept the minutes as amended. Jerry seconded. All in favor (5-0).

Other Business
John Wilson referred Sprint to the board to determine if a modification to the original Special Permit is required.    Sprint is proposing the following at 163 Houghton Rd:
  • Swap out three (3) antennas inside ‘stealth’ cover for three (3) new antennas
  • Install six (6) small equipment units within the ‘stealth’ cover
  • Run new cables, again, within ‘stealth’ cover
  • Replace two (2) existing equipment cabinets with two (2) new cabinets, on existing concrete pad within existing fenced area
  • Add two (2) cabinets, on existing concrete pad within existing fenced area
After discussion, the board determined that according to section 8 (B) of the Princeton Wireless Communications Bylaw, Sprint needs to apply for a modification to the Special Permit The board agreed to streamline the filing process and waive most of the application requirements in this case. Information needs to be provided that will allow the board to understand exactly what changes are being made, what the antennas are being used for, and if the work is being done to enable additional carriers to co-locate.
A public hearing will be held with all necessary requirements including a legal notice published in the newspaper and certified mail sent to abutters.
Brenda will send a letter to the representative from Sprint.

Alternate member Ann Neuburg will fill in for John at the January 4th Special Permit hearing for Farnsworth.
Mark will be out of town for the February 1 meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 PM.  All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant